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innovation in combination

  • 1 innovation in combination

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > innovation in combination

  • 2 innovation in combination

    English-Russian sports dictionary > innovation in combination

  • 3 combination

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > combination

  • 4 combination

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > combination

  • 5 invalid combination

    English-Russian base dictionary > invalid combination

  • 6 digit combination

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > digit combination

  • 7 filter-emulsion combination

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > filter-emulsion combination

  • 8 linear combination

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > linear combination

  • 9 signature combination

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > signature combination

  • 10 Creativity

       Put in this bald way, these aims sound utopian. How utopian they areor rather, how imminent their realization-depends on how broadly or narrowly we interpret the term "creative." If we are willing to regard all human complex problem solving as creative, then-as we will point out-successful programs for problem solving mechanisms that simulate human problem solvers already exist, and a number of their general characteristics are known. If we reserve the term "creative" for activities like discovery of the special theory of relativity or the composition of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony, then no example of a creative mechanism exists at the present time. (Simon, 1979, pp. 144-145)
       Among the questions that can now be given preliminary answers in computational terms are the following: how can ideas from very different sources be spontaneously thought of together? how can two ideas be merged to produce a new structure, which shows the influence of both ancestor ideas without being a mere "cut-and-paste" combination? how can the mind be "primed," so that one will more easily notice serendipitous ideas? why may someone notice-and remember-something fairly uninteresting, if it occurs in an interesting context? how can a brief phrase conjure up an entire melody from memory? and how can we accept two ideas as similar ("love" and "prove" as rhyming, for instance) in respect of a feature not identical in both? The features of connectionist AI models that suggest answers to these questions are their powers of pattern completion, graceful degradation, sensitization, multiple constraint satisfaction, and "best-fit" equilibration.... Here, the important point is that the unconscious, "insightful," associative aspects of creativity can be explained-in outline, at least-by AI methods. (Boden, 1996, p. 273)
       There thus appears to be an underlying similarity in the process involved in creative innovation and social independence, with common traits and postures required for expression of both behaviors. The difference is one of product-literary, musical, artistic, theoretical products on the one hand, opinions on the other-rather than one of process. In both instances the individual must believe that his perceptions are meaningful and valid and be willing to rely upon his own interpretations. He must trust himself sufficiently that even when persons express opinions counter to his own he can proceed on the basis of his own perceptions and convictions. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 58)
       he average level of ego strength and emotional stability is noticeably higher among creative geniuses than among the general population, though it is possibly lower than among men of comparable intelligence and education who go into administrative and similar positions. High anxiety and excitability appear common (e.g. Priestley, Darwin, Kepler) but full-blown neurosis is quite rare. (Cattell & Butcher, 1970, p. 315)
       he insight that is supposed to be required for such work as discovery turns out to be synonymous with the familiar process of recognition; and other terms commonly used in the discussion of creative work-such terms as "judgment," "creativity," or even "genius"-appear to be wholly dispensable or to be definable, as insight is, in terms of mundane and well-understood concepts. (Simon, 1989, p. 376)
       From the sketch material still in existence, from the condition of the fragments, and from the autographs themselves we can draw definite conclusions about Mozart's creative process. To invent musical ideas he did not need any stimulation; they came to his mind "ready-made" and in polished form. In contrast to Beethoven, who made numerous attempts at shaping his musical ideas until he found the definitive formulation of a theme, Mozart's first inspiration has the stamp of finality. Any Mozart theme has completeness and unity; as a phenomenon it is a Gestalt. (Herzmann, 1964, p. 28)
       Great artists enlarge the limits of one's perception. Looking at the world through the eyes of Rembrandt or Tolstoy makes one able to perceive aspects of truth about the world which one could not have achieved without their aid. Freud believed that science was adaptive because it facilitated mastery of the external world; but was it not the case that many scientific theories, like works of art, also originated in phantasy? Certainly, reading accounts of scientific discovery by men of the calibre of Einstein compelled me to conclude that phantasy was not merely escapist, but a way of reaching new insights concerning the nature of reality. Scientific hypotheses require proof; works of art do not. Both are concerned with creating order, with making sense out of the world and our experience of it. (Storr, 1993, p. xii)
       The importance of self-esteem for creative expression appears to be almost beyond disproof. Without a high regard for himself the individual who is working in the frontiers of his field cannot trust himself to discriminate between the trivial and the significant. Without trust in his own powers the person seeking improved solutions or alternative theories has no basis for distinguishing the significant and profound innovation from the one that is merely different.... An essential component of the creative process, whether it be analysis, synthesis, or the development of a new perspective or more comprehensive theory, is the conviction that one's judgment in interpreting the events is to be trusted. (Coopersmith, 1967, p. 59)
       In the daily stream of thought these four different stages [preparation; incubation; illumination or inspiration; and verification] constantly overlap each other as we explore different problems. An economist reading a Blue Book, a physiologist watching an experiment, or a business man going through his morning's letters, may at the same time be "incubating" on a problem which he proposed to himself a few days ago, be accumulating knowledge in "preparation" for a second problem, and be "verifying" his conclusions to a third problem. Even in exploring the same problem, the mind may be unconsciously incubating on one aspect of it, while it is consciously employed in preparing for or verifying another aspect. (Wallas, 1926, p. 81)
       he basic, bisociative pattern of the creative synthesis [is] the sudden interlocking of two previously unrelated skills, or matrices of thought. (Koestler, 1964, p. 121)
        11) The Earliest Stages in the Creative Process Involve a Commerce with Disorder
       Even to the creator himself, the earliest effort may seem to involve a commerce with disorder. For the creative order, which is an extension of life, is not an elaboration of the established, but a movement beyond the established, or at least a reorganization of it and often of elements not included in it. The first need is therefore to transcend the old order. Before any new order can be defined, the absolute power of the established, the hold upon us of what we know and are, must be broken. New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive that world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." (Ghiselin, 1985, p. 4)
       New life comes always from outside our world, as we commonly conceive our world. This is the reason why, in order to invent, one must yield to the indeterminate within him, or, more precisely, to certain illdefined impulses which seem to be of the very texture of the ungoverned fullness which John Livingston Lowes calls "the surging chaos of the unexpressed." Chaos and disorder are perhaps the wrong terms for that indeterminate fullness and activity of the inner life. For it is organic, dynamic, full of tension and tendency. What is absent from it, except in the decisive act of creation, is determination, fixity, and commitment to one resolution or another of the whole complex of its tensions. (Ghiselin, 1952, p. 13)
       [P]sychoanalysts have principally been concerned with the content of creative products, and with explaining content in terms of the artist's infantile past. They have paid less attention to examining why the artist chooses his particular activity to express, abreact or sublimate his emotions. In short, they have not made much distinction between art and neurosis; and, since the former is one of the blessings of mankind, whereas the latter is one of the curses, it seems a pity that they should not be better differentiated....
       Psychoanalysis, being fundamentally concerned with drive and motive, might have been expected to throw more light upon what impels the creative person that in fact it has. (Storr, 1993, pp. xvii, 3)
       A number of theoretical approaches were considered. Associative theory, as developed by Mednick (1962), gained some empirical support from the apparent validity of the Remote Associates Test, which was constructed on the basis of the theory.... Koestler's (1964) bisociative theory allows more complexity to mental organization than Mednick's associative theory, and postulates "associative contexts" or "frames of reference." He proposed that normal, non-creative, thought proceeds within particular contexts or frames and that the creative act involves linking together previously unconnected frames.... Simonton (1988) has developed associative notions further and explored the mathematical consequences of chance permutation of ideas....
       Like Koestler, Gruber (1980; Gruber and Davis, 1988) has based his analysis on case studies. He has focused especially on Darwin's development of the theory of evolution. Using piagetian notions, such as assimilation and accommodation, Gruber shows how Darwin's system of ideas changed very slowly over a period of many years. "Moments of insight," in Gruber's analysis, were the culminations of slow long-term processes.... Finally, the information-processing approach, as represented by Simon (1966) and Langley et al. (1987), was considered.... [Simon] points out the importance of good problem representations, both to ensure search is in an appropriate problem space and to aid in developing heuristic evaluations of possible research directions.... The work of Langley et al. (1987) demonstrates how such search processes, realized in computer programs, can indeed discover many basic laws of science from tables of raw data.... Boden (1990a, 1994) has stressed the importance of restructuring the problem space in creative work to develop new genres and paradigms in the arts and sciences. (Gilhooly, 1996, pp. 243-244; emphasis in original)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Creativity

  • 11 automation technologies

    1. технологии для автоматизации


    технологии для автоматизации

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Automation technologies: a strong focal point for our R&D

    Технологии для автоматизации - одна из главных тем наших научно исследовательских разработок

    Automation is an area of ABB’s business with an extremely high level of technological innovation.

    Автоматика относится к одной из областей деятельности компании АББ, для которой характерен исключительно высокий уровень технических инноваций.

    In fact, it may be seen as a showcase for exhibiting the frontiers of development in several of today’s emerging technologies, like short-range wireless communication and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

    В определенном смысле ее можно уподобить витрине, в которой выставлены передовые разработки из области только еще зарождающихся технологий, примерами которых являются ближняя беспроводная связь и микроэлектромеханические системы (micro electromechanical systems MEMS).

    Mechatronics – the synthesis of mechanics and electronics – is another very exciting and rapidly developing area, and the foundation on which ABB has built its highly successful, fast-growing robotics business.

    Еще одной исключительно интересной быстро развивающейся областью и в то же время фундаментом, на котором АББ в последнее время строит свой исключительно успешный и быстро расширяющийся бизнес в области робототехники, является мехатроника - синтез механики с электроникой.

    Robotic precision has now reached the levels we have come to expect of the watch-making industry, while robots’ mechanical capabilities continue to improve significantly.

    Точность работы робототехнических устройств достигла сегодня уровней, которые мы привыкли ожидать только на предприятиях часовой промышленности. Большими темпами продолжают расти и механические возможности роботов.

    Behind the scenes, highly sophisticated electronics and software control every move these robots make.

    А за кулисами всеми перемещениями робота управляют сложные электронные устройства и компьютерные программы.

    Throughout industry today we see a major shift of ‘intelligence’ to lower levels in the automation system hierarchy, leading to a demand for more communication within the system.

    Во всех отраслях промышленности сегодня наблюдается интенсивный перенос "интеллекта" на нижние уровни иерархии автоматизированных систем, что требует дальнейшего развития внутрисистемных средств обмена.

    ‘Smart’ transmitters, with powerful microprocessors, memory chips and special software, carry out vital operations close to the processes they are monitoring.

    "Интеллектуальные" датчики, снабженные высокопроизводительными микропроцессорами, мощными чипами памяти и специальным программно-математическим обеспечением, выполняют особо ответственные операции в непосредственной близости от контролируемых процессов.

    And they capture and store data crucial for remote diagnostics and maintenance.

    Они же обеспечивают возможность измерения и регистрации информации, крайне необходимой для дистанционной диагностики и дистанционного обслуживания техники.

    The communication highway linking such systems is provided by fieldbuses.

    В качестве коммуникационных магистралей, связывающих такого рода системы, служат промышленные шины fieldbus.

    In an ideal world there would be no more than a few, preferably just one, fieldbus standard.

    В идеале на промышленные шины должно было бы существовать небольшое количество, а лучше всего вообще только один стандарт.

    However, there are still too many of them, so ABB has developed ‘fieldbus plugs’ that, with the help of translation, enable devices to communicate across different standards.

    К сожалению, на деле количество их типов продолжает оставаться слишком разнообразным. Ввиду этой особенности рынка промышленных шин компанией АББ разработаны "штепсельные разъемы", которые с помощью средств преобразования обеспечивают общение различных устройств вопреки границам, возникшим из-за различий в стандартах.

    This makes life easier as well as less costly for our customers. Every automation system is dependent on an electrical network for distributing – and interrupting, when necessary – the power needed to carry out its various functions.

    Это, безусловно, не только облегчает, но и удешевляет жизнь нашим заказчикам. Ни одна система автоматики не может работать без сети, обеспечивающей подачу, а при необходимости и отключение напряжения, необходимого для выполнения автоматикой своих задач.

    Here, too, we see a clear trend toward more intelligence and communication, for example in traditional electromechanical devices such as contactors and switches.

    И здесь наблюдаются отчетливо выраженные тенденции к повышению уровня интеллектуальности и расширению возможностей связи, например, в таких традиционных электромеханических устройствах, как контакторы и выключатели.

    We are pleased to see that our R&D efforts in these areas over the past few years are bearing fruit.

    Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что научно-исследовательские разработки, выполненные нами за последние годы в названных областях, начинают приносить свои плоды.

    Recently, we have seen a strong increase in the use of wireless technology in industry.

    В последнее время на промышленных предприятиях наблюдается резкое расширение применения техники беспроводной связи.

    This is a key R&D area at ABB, and several prototype applications have already been developed.

    В компании АББ эта область также относится к числу одной из ключевых тем научно-исследовательских разработок, результатом которых стало создание ряда опытных образцов изделий практического направления.

    At the international Bluetooth Conference in Amsterdam in June 2002, we presented a truly ‘wire-less’ proximity sensor – with even a wireless power supply.

    На международной конференции по системам Bluetooth, состоявшейся в Амстердаме в июне 2002 г., наши специалисты выступили с докладом о поистине "беспроводном" датчике ближней локации, снабженном опять-таки "беспроводным" источником питания.

    This was its second major showing after the launch at the Hanover Fair.

    На столь крупном мероприятии это устройство демонстрировалось во второй раз после своего первого показа на Ганноверской торгово-промышленной ярмарке.

    Advances in microelectronic device technology are also having a profound impact on the power electronics systems around which modern drive systems are built.

    Достижения в области микроэлектроники оказывают также глубокое влияние на системы силовой электроники, лежащие в основе современных приводных устройств.

    The ABB drive family ACS 800 is visible proof of this.

    Наглядным тому доказательством может служить линейка блоков регулирования частоты вращения электродвигателей ACS-800, производство которой начато компанией АББ.

    Combining advanced trench gate IGBT technology with efficient cooling and innovative design, this drive – for motors rated from 1.1 to 500 kW – has a footprint for some power ranges which is six times smaller than competing systems.

    Предназначены они для двигателей мощностью от 1,1 до 500 кВт. В блоках применена новейшая разновидность приборов - биполярные транзисторы с изолированным желобковым затвором (trench gate IGBT) в сочетании с новыми конструктивными решениями, благодаря чему в отдельных диапазонах мощностей габариты блоков удалось снизить по сравнению с конкурирующими изделиями в шесть раз.

    To get the maximum benefit out of this innovative drive solution we have also developed a new permanent magnet motor.

    Стремясь с максимальной пользой использовать новые блоки регулирования, мы параллельно с ними разработали новый двигатель с постоянными магнитами.

    It uses neodymium iron boron, a magnetic material which is more powerful at room temperature than any other known today.

    В нем применен новый магнитный материал на основе неодима, железа и бора, характеристики которого при комнатной температуре на сегодняшний день не имеют себе равных.

    The combination of new drive and new motor reduces losses by as much as 30%, lowering energy costs and improving sustainability – both urgently necessary – at the same time.

    Совместное использование нового блока регулирования частоты вращения с новым двигателем снижает потери мощности до 30 %, что позволяет решить сразу две исключительно актуальные задачи:
    сократить затраты на электроэнергию и повысить уровень безотказности.

    These innovations are utilized most fully, and yield the maximum benefit, when integrated by means of our Industrial IT architecture.

    Потенциал перечисленных выше новых разработок используется в наиболее полной степени, а сами они приносят максимальную выгоду, если их интеграция осуществлена на основе нашей архитектуры IndustrialIT.

    Industrial IT is a unique platform for exploiting the full potential of information technology in industrial applications.

    IndustrialIT представляет собой уникальную платформу, позволяющую в максимальной степени использовать возможности информационных технологий применительно к задачам промышленности.

    Consequently, our new products and technologies are Industrial IT Enabled, meaning that they can be integrated in the Industrial IT architecture in a ‘plug and produce’ manner.

    Именно поэтому все наши новые изделия и технологии выпускаются в варианте, совместимом с архитектурой IndustrialIT, что означает их способность к интеграции с этой архитектурой по принципу "подключи и производи".

    We are excited to present in this issue of ABB Review some of our R&D work and a selection of achievements in such a vital area of our business as Automation.

    Мы рады представить в настоящем номере "АББ ревю" некоторые из наших научно-исследовательских разработок и достижений в такой жизненно важной для нашего бизнеса области, как автоматика.

    R&D investment in our corporate technology programs is the foundation on which our product and system innovation is built.

    Вклад наших разработок в общекорпоративные технологические программы группы АББ служит основой для реализации новых технических решений в создаваемых нами устройствах и системах.

    Examples abound in the areas of control engineering, MEMS, wireless communication, materials – and, last but not least, software technologies. Enjoy reading about them.
    [ABB Review]

    Это подтверждается многочисленными примерами из области техники управления, микроэлектромеханических систем, ближней радиосвязи, материаловедения и не в последнюю очередь программотехники. Хотелось бы пожелать читателю получить удовольствие от чтения этих материалов.
    [Перевод Интент]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > automation technologies

  • 12 bond

    1. сущ.
    1) общ. связь (между какими-л. лицами, группами лиц, явлениями и т. д.)
    а) эк., юр. обязательство, обязывающее соглашение (напр., любое долговое обязательство, любое гарантийное обязательство или поручительство и т. д.)
    б) фин., страх. гарантия (выполнения обязательств), поручительство; гарантийное обязательство; страховая гарантия (соглашение, по которому одна сторона (поручитель, гарант) принимает на себя обязательство перед другой стороной возместить ей потери или ущерб, нанесенные неспособностью третьего лица выполнять свои обязательства; напр., гарантия выполнения третьим лицом контрактных обязательств, гарантия, защищающая работодателя от нечестности работников и т. д.; по сути является страхованием от убытков в результате действий третьих лиц)

    straw bond — ненадежное [липовое\] поручительство, ненадежная [липовая\] гарантия

    3) фин. облигация (ценная бумага, удостоверяющая право ее держателя на получение от лица, выпустившего облигацию, в предусмотренный ею срок номинальной стоимости облигации или иного имущественного эквивалента и обычно предоставляющая ее держателю право на получение периодического процента от ее номинальной стоимости либо иные имущественные права; является разновидностью долговых ценных бумаг); преим. мн. боны, бонды

    ATTRIBUTES [purpose\]: public housing 1), rental housing

    ATTRIBUTES [rights\]: assented

    to place [underwrite\] bonds — размещать облигации

    to retire [redeem, repay\] bonds — погашать облигации

    bond denominated in dollars — облигация, выраженная в долларах

    bond market — рынок облигаций, облигационный рынок

    bond broker, bond certificate, bond market, bond rating, bond year, accretion bond, accrual bond, assumed bond, auction rate bond, authority bond, baby bond, back bond, bailout bond, bearer bond, capitalization bond, catastrophe bond, collateral trust bond, collateralized bond, combination bond, commodity-linked bond, companion bond, consolidated bond, convertible bond, corporate bond, coupon bond, cushion bond, Daimyo bond, debt conversion bond, debenture bond, defence bond, deferred interest bond, definitive bond, development bond, discount bond, dollar bond, domestic bond, double-barreled bond, drawn bond, dual currency bond, equipment bond, escalator bond, eurodollar bond, eurosterling bond, exit bond, extended bond, extendible bond, external bond, fixed-rate bond, floating-rate bond, flower bond, foreign bond, foreign currency bond, geisha bond, general obligation bond, gilt-edged bond, global bond, gold bond, gold-indexed bond, government bond, granny bond, guaranteed bond, guaranteed income bond, heaven and hell bond, high-grade bond, housing bond, improvement bond, inactive bond, income bond, indexed bond, industrial bond, infrastructure bond, internal bond, international bond, investment grade bond, joint bond, junior bond, junk bond, land grant bond, letter bond, Liberty bond, limited tax bond, long-dated bond, long-term bond, lottery bond, matador bond, Matilda bond, medium-dated bond, medium-term bond, moral obligation bond, mortgage bond, multiple currency bond, notional bond, obligation bond, optional payment bond, parallel bonds, participating bond, passive bond, past due interest bond, perpetual bond, plastic bonds, premium bond, public bond, public utility bond, railroad bond, redeemable bond, registered bond, revenue bond, samurai bond, savings bond, seasoned bond, senior bond, serial bond, sour bond, speculative bond, temporary bond, Treasury bond, bondholder, eurobond
    4) эк. залог (внесение каких-л. активов в качестве обеспечения возврата ссуды, уплаты таможенных платежей или выполнения какого-л. другого действия; также сами деньги или другие активы, внесенные в качестве гарантии выполнения какого-л. действия)
    5) фин., шотл. ссуда под залог
    6) эк., юр. гарант, поручитель (лицо, выдающее гарантию или ручающееся за другое лицо)
    7) общ., ист. крепостной
    2. гл.
    1) общ. держаться (на чем-л.); сцепляться, соединяться (с чем-л.); быть связанным воедино*, скрепляться* (напр., о лицах, объединенных в группу за счет психологических, социальных и т. п. связей)
    а) межд. эк., гос. фин. (оставлять товары на таможенном, акцизном и т. п. складе до уплаты причитающихся налогов и сборов)
    б) эк., юр. подписывать [принимать на себя\] обязательство, связывать обязательством (долговым или иным, себя или кого-л. другого)
    в) фин. выпускать [эмитировать\] облигации

    * * *
    обязательство: 1) облигация, долговое обязательство: ценная бумага, эмитированная на определенных условиях для мобилизации финансовых ресурсов (свидетельство о долгосрочном долге); обязательство эмитента ценной бумаги выплачивать держателю регулярный доход и полностью вернуть основную сумму после истечения оговоренного периода; в отличие от акций не дает прав собственности на компанию-эмитента; облигация может быть выпущена с купонами (с плавающей или фиксированной ставкой) или с дисконтом, как именная или на предъявителя, с и/или без обеспечения, с правом конверсии в другие ценные бумаги эмитента; см. bearer bond; 2) гарантия выполнения обязательств; страховка от убытков в результате действий третьей стороны; = performance bond; surety; 3) залог, закладная, в т. ч. таможенная.
    * * *
    облигация; долговой инструмент; долговое обязательство; залог; таможенное обязательство
    . Облигации - это долговые обязательства, которые выпускаются на период времени больше одного года. Облигации могут выпускаться правительством США, органами местного самоуправления, частными компаниями и многими другими организациями. Когда инвестор покупает облигации, он предоставляет эмитенту свои деньги. Продавец облигации обязуется выплатить основную сумму долга в определенное время. По процентным облигациям проценты выплачиваются через определенные периоды времени . Словарь экономических терминов .
    * * *
    Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность
    ценная бумага, представляющая собой долговое обязательство предприятия, банка или государства при выпуске внутреннего займа; выпускать облигации
    Банки/Банковские операции
    ценная бумага, свидетельствующая о внесении ее владельцем денежных средств и подтверждающая обязанность банка возместить ему номинальную стоимость облигации в предусмотренный срок с оплатой фиксированного процента

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > bond

  • 13 product

    ком., марк. продукт; продукція; виріб; товар; фабрикат все, що задовольняє потреби людини у процесах виробництва, обміну, розподілу і споживання — це товари (goods), послуги (service¹), ідеї, діяльність і т. ін.; ♦ продукт визначається ознаками користі і якості, він розрізняється за назвою торговельної марки (trademark), упаковкою (packaging) і т. ін.
    agricultural products сільськогосподарська продукція; ancillary products допоміжні продукти; animal products продукти тваринного походження; animal and plant products продукти рослинного і тваринного походження; auxiliary products допоміжні продукти; basic products основні продукти; branded products продукти з фабричною маркою • продукти з торговельною маркою; bulky products громіздкі товари; by-product побічний продукт • проміжний виріб; capital-intensive product капіталомістка продукція; certified product сертифікований продукт; chemical products хімічна продукція; commercial product товарна продукція; comparable product порівняльна продукція; competitive product конкурентоспроможна продукція; consumer products споживчі товари; core product основний продукт; custom-made product виріб, виготовлений на замовлення; dairy products молочні продукти; different products різноманітні продукти; diversified products багато-номенклатурна продукція; domestic products вітчизняна продукція • товари внутрішнього виробництва; end-product кінцевий продукт • готовий виріб; environment-friendly product продукт, сприятливіший для довкілля; excess product надлишковий продукт • зайвий продукт; export products експортна продукція; factory products фабричні вироби • продукція виробництва; final product кінцевий продукт • готова продукція; finished product готовий виріб; food products харчові продукти • продовольчі товари; foreign products товари закордонного виробництва; forest products продукція лісової промисловості; formal product формальний продукт; fresh products свіжа продукція; frozen products заморожені товари; generic product немарочні продукти; good quality products високоякісні вироби; green-labelled product екологічно чистий продукт; gross product валовий продукт; gross domestic product; gross national product; health care products продукти для догляду за здоров'ям; high-grade product високоякісний виріб; household products товар домашнього вжитку; imported products імпортна продукція; improved product удосконалений виріб; industrial products промислові вироби; inedible products неїстівні продукти; intermediate product проміжний продукт; intangible product нематеріальний продукт; joint products продукція спільного виробництва (напр. газ і кокс із вугілля) • супутні товари; labour-intensive product трудомісткий продукт; licensed product продукція, вироблена за ліцензією; listed products номенклатура виробів; made-to-order product виріб, виготовлений на замовлення; main product основний продукт; manufactured products товари фабричного виробництва • готовий виріб; marginal product граничний продукт • виріб із гранично можливими характеристиками; marketable product популярна продукція; multi-use product продукт багаторазового використання • продукт багаторазового вжитку; national product (NP) національний продукт; net product чистий продукт; net domestic product чистий внутрішній продукт; net material product чистий продукт матеріального виробництва; net national product чистий національний продукт; nonpatentable product непатентоспроможний виріб; nonstandard product нестандартний виріб; nonstorable product продукція, яка не підлягає збереженню; obsolete product застарілий продукт; patentable product патентоспроможний продукт; patented product запатентований продукт; perishable product швидкопсувний продукт • продукт, що швидко псується; physical product фізичний продукт; primary product первинний продукт; processed product перероблений продукт; promoted product рекламований товар; proven product перевірений продукт; ready-made product готовий виріб; rejected product забракований виріб; related products споріднені продукти; returned product повернений продукт; revised product поновлена продукція • модернізована продукція; rival product конкуруючий продукт; saleable products популярна продукція; secondary product побічний продукт • вторинний продукт; semifinished product напівфабрикат; semimanufactured product напівфабрикат; semiprocessed product напівфабрикат; serial products серійна продукція; software product програмний продукт; spoiled products зіпсовані товари; standard products стандартна продукція; standardized product нормований продукт; staple product основний продукт; substitute product продукт-замінник • ерзац; tangible product матеріальний продукт; total product сукупний продукт; unfinished products напівфабрикати; unmarketable products непопулярна продукція; unpatented product незапатентований продукт; useless product непридатний продукт; waste products відходи виробництва
    product attributes властивості продукції; product characteristics характеристика продукції; product combination асортимент продукції • товарна номенклатура; product cost; product description опис виробу; product design проектування продукту; product development розробка нової продукції; product differentiation диференціація продукції; product group товарна група; product image образ товару; product information інформація про продукт; product innovation новий виріб • нова продукція; product knowledge дані про продукт; product labelling маркування продукції • наліплювання етикеток на продукт; product liability insurance страхування відповідальності за якість продукту; product life cycle (PLC) життєвий цикл продукту; product line; product manager керівник випуску продукції; product market ринок продукції; product mix; product modification модифікація продукту; product placing розміщення продукції; product placement розміщення продукції; product planning планування випуску продукції; product portfolio асортимент продукції; product protection захист продукту; product range асортимент продукції • номенклатура виробів; product recall відкликання продукту; product selection добір продукції; product sheet карта технологічного процесу; product specialization виробнича спеціалізація; product standard виробничий стандарт; product subsidy субсидія на виробництво продукції; product unit одиниця продукції; product variety різноманітність продукції; product width асортимент продукції • номенклатура виробів; to advertise a product рекламувати продукт; to assess a product оцінювати/оцінити продукт; to demonstrate a product демонструвати/продемонструвати продукт; to design product проектувати/спроектувати продукт • планувати/спланувати продукт; to develop products розробляти/ розробити продукти; to evaluate a product оцінювати/оцінити продукт; to exhibit products експонувати продукцію; to feature products експонувати продукцію; to guarantee a product гарантувати якість виробів • забезпечувати/забезпечити якість продуктів; to label a product позначати/позначити виріб; to launch a product випускати/випустити продукт • починати/почати випуск продукту; to list products укладати/укласти список товарів; to manufacture products виробляти/виробити продукцію • виготовляти/виготовити продукцію; to process products переробляти/переробити продукцію; to sell products продавати/продати продукти; to show products експонувати продукти; to store products розміщати/розмістити товар на складі
    product ‡ B. four principles of marketing (386)
    * * *
    ( banking) банківський продукт; банківська послуга

    The English-Ukrainian Dictionary > product

  • 14 composition

    1. n составление, построение; соединение
    2. n сочинение
    3. n грам. производство, составление сложных слов
    4. n полигр. набор
    5. n музыкальное сочинение, произведение; литературное произведение; произведение изобразительного искусства
    6. n школьное, учебное сочинение

    your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes — сочинение у вас хорошее, если не считать нескольких орфографических ошибок

    7. n курс литературной композиции
    8. n композиция
    9. n склад
    10. n состав, структура

    composition of capital — состав капитала; структура капитала

    11. n спорт. состав команды
    12. n агрегат; составные части
    13. n соглашение о перемирии или о прекращении военных действий
    14. n юр. компромиссное соглашение должника с кредитором
    Синонимический ряд:
    1. arrangement (noun) agreement; arrangement; beauty; consonance; form; harmony; proportion; proportion of line and mass; symmetry
    2. article (noun) article; essay; paper; theme
    3. compromise (noun) compromise
    4. creation (noun) conception; creation; designing; fashioning; formulation; innovation; invention; origination; shaping
    5. makeup (noun) architecture; configuration; constitution; construction; design; formation; makeup
    6. organization (noun) combination; consistency; distribution; incorporation; integration; organisation; organization; relation; synthesis; union
    7. work (noun) etude; opus; piece; production; work
    8. work of art (noun) exposition; fiction; literature; novel; poetry; symphony; work of art
    9. writing (noun) creative writing; grammar; instrumentation; literary style; prose; rhetoric; songwriting; style; writing

    English-Russian base dictionary > composition

  • 15 Port Wine

       Portugal's most famous wine and leading export takes its name from the city of Oporto or porto, which means "port" or "harbor" in Portuguese. Sometimes described as "the Englishman's wine," port is only one of the many wines produced in continental Portugal and the Atlantic islands. Another noted dessert wine is Madeira wine, which is produced on the island of Madeira. Port wine's history is about as long as that of Madeira wine, but the wine's development is recent compared to that of older table wines and the wines Greeks and Romans enjoyed in ancient Lusitania. During the Roman occupation of the land (ca. 210 BCE-300 CE), wine was being made from vines cultivated in the upper Douro River valley. Favorable climate and soils (schist with granite outcropping) and convenient transportation (on ships down the Douro River to Oporto) were factors that combined with increased wine production in the late 17th century to assist in the birth of port wine as a new product. Earlier names for port wine ( vinho do porto) were descriptive of location ("Wine of the Douro Bank") and how it was transported ("Wine of [Ship] Embarkation").
       Port wine, a sweet, fortified (with brandy) aperitif or dessert wine that was designed as a valuable export product for the English market, was developed first in the 1670s by a unique combination of circumstances and the action of interested parties. Several substantial English merchants who visited Oporto "discovered" that a local Douro wine was much improved when brandy ( aguardente) was added. Fortification prevented the wine from spoiling in a variety of temperatures and on the arduous sea voyages from Oporto to Great Britain. Soon port wine became a major industry of the Douro region; it involved an uneasy alliance between the English merchant-shippers at Oporto and Vila Nova de Gaia, the town across the river from Oporto, where the wine was stored and aged, and the Portuguese wine growers.
       In the 18th century, port wine became a significant element of Britain's foreign imports and of the country's establishment tastes in beverages. Port wine drinking became a hallowed tradition in Britain's elite Oxford and Cambridge Universities' colleges, which all kept port wine cellars. For Portugal, the port wine market in Britain, and later in France, Belgium, and other European countries, became a vital element in the national economy. Trade in port wine and British woolens became the key elements in the 1703 Methuen Treaty between England and Portugal.
       To lessen Portugal's growing economic dependence on Britain, regulate the production and export of the precious sweet wine, and protect the public from poor quality, the Marquis of Pombal instituted various measures for the industry. In 1756, Pombal established the General Company of Viticulture of the Upper Douro to carry out these measures. That same year, he ordered the creation of the first demarcated wine-producing region in the world, the port-wine producing Douro region. Other wine-producing countries later followed this Portuguese initiative and created demarcated wine regions to protect the quality of wine produced and to ensure national economic interests.
       The upper Douro valley region (from Barca d'Alva in Portugal to Barqueiros on the Spanish frontier) produces a variety of wines; only 40 percent of its wines are port wine, whereas 60 percent are table wines. Port wine's alcohol content varies usually between 19 and 22 percent, and, depending on the type, the wine is aged in wooden casks from two to six years and then bottled. Related to port wine's history is the history of Portuguese cork. Beginning in the 17th century, Portuguese cork, which comes from cork trees, began to be used to seal wine bottles to prevent wine from spoiling. This innovation in Portugal helped lead to the development of the cork industry. By the early 20th century, Portugal was the world's largest exporter of cork.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Port Wine

  • 16 Issigonis, Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine (Alec)

    b. 18 November 1906 Smyrna (now Izmir), Turkey
    d. 2 October 1988 Birmingham, England
    British automobile designer whose work included the Morris Minor and the Mini series.
    His father was of Greek descent but was a naturalized British subject in Turkey who ran a marine engineering business. After the First World War, the British in Turkey were evacuated by the Royal Navy, the Issigonis family among them. His father died en route in Malta, but the rest of the family arrived in England in 1922. Alec studied engineering at Battersea Polytechnic for three years and in 1928 was employed as a draughtsman by a firm of consulting engineers in Victoria Street who were working on a form of automatic transmission. He had occasion to travel frequently in the Midlands at this time and visited many factories in the automobile industry. He was offered a job in the drawing office at Humber and lived for a couple of years in Kenilworth. While there he met Robert Boyle, Chief Engineer of Morris Motors (see Morris, William Richard), who offered him a job at Cowley. There he worked at first on the design of independent front suspension. At Morris Motors, he designed the Morris Minor, which entered production in 1948 and continued to be manufactured until 1971. Issigonis disliked mergers, and after the merger of Morris with Austin to form the British Motor Corporation (BMC) he left to join Alvis in 1952. The car he designed there, a V8 saloon, was built as a prototype but was never put into production. Following his return to BMC to become Technical Director in 1955, his most celebrated design was the Mini series, which entered production in 1959. This was a radically new concept: it was unique for its combination of a transversely mounted engine in unit with the gearbox, front wheel drive and rubber suspension system. This suspension system, designed in cooperation with Alex Moulton, was also a fundamental innovation, developed from the system designed by Moulton for the earlier Alvis prototype. Issigonis remained as Technical Director of BMC until his retirement.
    Further Reading
    Peter King, 1989, The Motor Men. Pioneers of the British Motor Industry, London: Quiller Press.

    Biographical history of technology > Issigonis, Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine (Alec)

См. также в других словарях:

  • Innovation skill — Innovation skills are practically the types of skills that allow individuals to become innovative in what they do. These are usually a combination of cognitive skills (e.g. the ability to think creatively and critically), behavioural skills (e.g …   Wikipedia

  • Innovation — For other uses, see Innovation (disambiguation). History of technology By technological eras Neolithic Revolution Renaissance technology …   Wikipedia

  • Combination Game — The Combination Game was a style of association football based around team work and cooperation. It would gradually favour the passing of the ball between players over individual dribbling skills which had been a notable feature of early… …   Wikipedia

  • Open sustainability innovation — is the use of open innovation in the development of sustainable products, services and initiatives. This approach to marketing for companies may prove to be advantageous as it is not point of sale based, but rather offers consumers information… …   Wikipedia

  • Service innovation — Business Week, March 29, 2007, stated that Service Innovation is The Next Big Thing .ref|BusinessWeekThe story discusses the not for profit consortium called the [http://www.thesrii.com/index.asp?current=one sub=none Service Research Innovation… …   Wikipedia

  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology — The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) regulation [cite web|title=Industry Committee backs creation of a European Institute of Innovation and Technology|url=http://eur lex.europa.eu/Notice.do?val=468104%3Acs lang=en… …   Wikipedia

  • Social innovation — refers to new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet social needs of all kinds from working conditions and education to community development and health and that extend and strengthen civil society. Over the years, the term has… …   Wikipedia

  • Hidden innovation — refers to innovation that is not captured or recognised by traditional indicators such as research and development (R D) spending or number of patents. The term generally refers to innovation that takes place outside science technology sectors,… …   Wikipedia

  • Chicago Innovation Awards — The Chicago Innovation Awards was created by the Chicago Sun Times and Kuczmarski Associates in 2002. Each year the Awards recognize 10 Chicago area businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations that develop the year’s most innovative new… …   Wikipedia

  • Department for Business, Innovation and Skills — (BIS) England, United Kingdom, Wales Also referred to as BIS. The UK government department responsible for building Britain s capabilities to compete in the global economy. BIS is a combination of the Department for Business, Enterprise,… …   Law dictionary

  • technology, history of — Introduction       the development over time of systematic techniques for making and doing things. The term technology, a combination of the Greek technē, “art, craft,” with logos, “word, speech,” meant in Greece a discourse on the arts, both… …   Universalium

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